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Love and the city - Season 1 Episode 4 (English Version)

Mr. Big goes away. Big goes away again.

We all have a Mr. Big en our lives. A friend of mine tells that in her facebook page. (!/pages/Yo-tambi%C3%A9n-tengo-un-Mr-Big-en-mi-vida/283438781685058).

Saying Mr. I mean Mr., Miss, Ms. or Mrs., whatever… in the end, this round relationship.

If you remember one of my post, I said that I don’t want a Mr. Bign in my life, but as Carrie do, it’s not totally true. Big is that person who gives us something difficult to describe.

First, my Big went to Berlon as Big went to Paris (at least, in my case, not to marry someone) and now my Big goes to Toronto as Big changed his life to make wine in California.

Well, this post will tell the story of my Mr. Big. This story started in September 2007. After passing my last English exam (after 3 tries) I had a date with Big. We drank some beers in Móstoles, talking for hours and Big obviously had something stunning for me: Paris. Big did an Eramus there, a person in love with the city and the language. We shared a lot of things more: music (we sent each other lots of songs), ideas of what to do, where to travel, how to live… We met up twice or more times and Big suddenly started to disappear. I get obsessed and I did strange things like trying to know everything Big did. Finally, I wrote an email and one my hardest moments arrived. Big wrote another long email to say good things of mine but Big was still in love with the last ex. During a moth, I felt worst than ever, I lost what I wanted, what I’ve always looked for.

After a long time without talking, around two years, we started to send emails each other. But Big was moving to Berlin to live another experience. From there, Big told me the life in Germany.

Just beginning 2011, Big returned to Madrid and started to meet me up again. Big thought that we were talking since long time ago because something. We met up again and it happened what it hasn’t happened yet, at last we kissed each other!! We met up a lot of times more but I didn’t want to have a relationship because Big was planning the next experience abroad. Why was I going to start something in this moment? Distance appears again in my life. But Big seemed to want something more and I didn’t understand why. Finally Big realised better not to do more.

We don’t meet up since three months ago and now it’s time to say goodbye. I’d like to say goodbye face to face but maybe it’s better like that. I will go there, I hope so! But I realised that my Mr. Big is more like Aidan. Maybe it’s Aidan because my Big was the perfect person but finally it didn’t work.

In fact, waiting for Big another year to know if this story will go somewhere is too much or maybe it’s worthy. I don’t know it but what I do know is that I’m going to stop this loving rollercoaster because good things appear by itselves.

This is my Mr. Big’s story. As I’ve said everyone has someone who from time to time appears and breaks our heart.

After this comments about my Mr. Big or my Aidan (I don’t know), I’ll show you the rest of characters and I’ll compare them in next episodes.



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