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Love and the city - Season 1 Episode 2 (English Version)

Season 1 Episode 2 Release. In the last episode, I said that I was going to answer the different questions I posed but I think I’ll release a complete episode with all these things if I can find answers to that.

Since the latest events, I’m writing about the “after” of the dates. Especially, after the first date…

Two weeks ago, I met up someone and the date was incredible. It seemed it was incredible for both of us: a hug goodbye and 5 or 10 minutes later a sms. The other one told me that it was great to meet me and that I was a great guy. I said thank you for the hug and the feedback was: “I could give you even more hugs”. That reminded me about the post I wrote sometime ago where I thought about the goodbyes and the gazes back in those moments. There wasn’t any gaze but another kind of feedback.

It was going well… Today, the second date was supposed to be but something told it’s not happening. It’s true that the other one told me we’ll meet up in October, but something doesn’t fit.

And all of that takes me to another point, why do we play with people after dates? I said all of us because everybody sometimes does that. You say that you’ll recall when you have no idea of doing it, you say to meet up again without feeling like doing it, you said wonderful things… and what is the goal of all these things? There are two attitudes our one and the other one’s. Don’t play with anybody, he or she can play better than you!! I mean, why do we raise someone’s hopes? Sometimes we try to be polite but in the end we cock it up!

If a date is great for us, we can get to conclusions since words that aren’t realistic. But some words don’t have a double meaning, I mean, if someone told you that the meeting has been great, what other thing can mean?

A friend of mine who is very expert in dates, told me two of them, very interesting ones.

First one, she met up a boy who was talking all the time. He enjoyed the meeting but not her (she also likes talk a lot). This is another important thing: the two opinions can be different.

The second one, the boy accepted the date because it was his duty. Obviously that sentence the date to failure but the date still can be great for you.

All these things make you being careful when you meet up someone, and you can’t assume anything. The danger is in the assumption of nothing. If you don’t do anything to have a second date maybe the other one can think you don’t want it, so…

In conclusion, no matter what you do because having dates is dangerous. Bet on what you think you should do. My advice, jump into the swimming pool if there is enough water not to crash into de floor!

Till this summer, I haven’t jumped a lot into the swimming pool, but as you know, I’ve decided not to lose more opportunities. I prefer to be slapped or to receive a NO than lose another opportunity.

It’s what I said yesterday to a friend, after a long time with her Mr. Big, in some days she will have a conversation with him, I hope it is the final one. The truth is that I’d rather a Steve instead a Mr. Big but in the end it’s a repetitive relationship.

Probably, next episode will focus on the figure of those two men: Steve vs. Mr. Big.



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