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Love and the city (Pilot) - English Version

Like Carrie Bradshaw, I start with my column. In fact, just a post inside my blog “Corren tiempos modernos” (meaning Living a modern life)

Maybe the name of the blog has a lot of meaning in my life… I’ve always tried to go against everything but being also fashionable… But somewhere I stopped in the past, especially, in my love life.

As i’ve said i’ll write like Carrie but this column will be Love and the city instead of Sex and the city. For that reason, I say I stopped in the past… Nowadays, who thinks about love more than in sex? From my point of view less and less people and for me, love is my goal since long time ago…

The idea of doing that was born two Saturdays ago in the Beach (2 hours, at night, alone with the waves) That weekend was hard and difficult, I was planned it like the best end for summer but at the end everything was quite melodramatic but everyone who knows me, knows I like tragedy.

This summer started in a good way… the first summer with holidays since long time ago, time in Alicante to save money. But it was going to have some difficult moments: a summer love and a goodbye.

The goodbye, we could imagine, it was going to be hard but I knew it. 1001 was the number was the number of this goodbye, a 3-year-old story, don’t know for rhe other part how long. A bad story because distance just appeared in my love life.

The summer love, ¿why could be hard? At first sight, no need to be hard but at the end… Years and years without summer loves and maybe for that reason I didn’t think carefully but was this summer love more than what I expected? Maybe a bit of everything, but I felt and lived in a few days more than in my latest relationships, or did I forget it?

Obviously, the distance ended with this. But distance is not the problem… the problem is people, the situations…

After thinking and thinking in the beach that night I realize: you are about 30, you have a flat, most people you are knowing will have a similar status and the decision is difficult with or without distance. And where are you going to live if the relationship grows up? The moving is not difficult only between cities… also between houses. Would someone do that? As we are getting older everything is more difficult. We live as we want because we are singles, we can’t wait forever for that “person”. When the person arrives, both of them have a established life, everything organized, how can we change that?

Después de pensar mucho en el reseteo nocturno en la playa me dije… tienes casi 30 años… tienes casa… mucha de la gente que vayas a conocer estará en la misma situación e igual que es difícil tomar la decisión si hay distancia, también lo es si no la hay. Porque, ¿dónde te vas a vivir si la cosa llega a más? Distance makes everything harder: change your life, your friends, go far from the family…

Finally, I must say that this summer I watch Sex and the city too much, and this is not good for me. I thought a lot about the character of Mr. Big, do we all have a Mr. Big in our life? Someone who always appear and disappear? If yes, I don’t want that, for mi that person is not good… Moreover, do we deserve someone who makes us feel bad? Not better finding someone new who gives us everything?

I’ll try to answer these questions…



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